Our bedding gets soiled because we use it every day. This means that it needs to be changed on a regular basis. It’s recommended that you change your silk duvets, silk pillowcases, and silk sheets at least once a week. However, there are those people who change their bedding more often depending on factors such as allergies, illness, and level of cleanliness.
Generally, we spend about a third of our days in bed. This means that since you’re spending so much time in it, it’s really important for you to make sure that your bed is clean especially if you use silk bedding. Otherwise, being in a dirty environment poses a threat to your health.
What dirt can you find in the bed if you don’t clean your silk bedding often?
If you don’t wash your silk sheets regularly, you risk inviting dust mites to your bed These insects feed off our dead skin cells and thrive in dirty bedding. Washing your silk bedding regularly keeps these mites away. Apart from the dust mites, here are other items that you are most likely to find under dirty bed covers:
- Dust – no matter how hard you try, you cannot prevent dust from getting on your bedding especially if you live in the urban areas.
- Oils – these are secreted as we sleep
- Sweat – the sweat levels go up on a hot night and end up on the sheets
- Dead skin cells – these arise when our bodies shed their skin cells.
- Body fluids – some of the bodily fluids that are likely to show on your bedding are saliva, urine, and blood
- Food crumbs – there are food crumbs in your bed if you enjoy snacking while you’re taking a nap

How Often Should One Wash Their Silk Bedding?
The debate of how often you should replace dirty bedding with clean silk bedding supplies affects most people. How often should you wash your silk bedding? How long should you clean them for?
If you don’t already know this, well learn today; you should always wash your silk pillows and silk sheets after buying them. After that, you should wash the pillow at least twice every year. If you have never washed it, you should seriously consider doing it now.
As for the sheets, wash them on a weekly basis. If that is not possible, wash them after every other week. However, the sheets that are being used by sick people should be changed every day. This will stop them from harboring yeast and bacteria that might cause diarrhea or breathing complications.
Clean your silk duvet on a monthly basis. If this is too tedious for you, get a duvet cover instead. The cover should be easy to take off and wash so that you don’t have to clean the heavy blanket very often.
How to clean your silk bedding

If you want clean silk bedding, you need to know the right way to clean it. While most of the supplies come with the manufacturer’s care instructions, others do not. Here are tips to guide you on how to clean your silk sheets, silk duvets, and silk pillowcases:
- Silk Bed Sheets
Wash the sheets in luke-warm water that has soap. Once you’re done cleaning them, let them dry out in the dryer. If the sheet had a stain, soak it before washing it.
Add lemon juice to keep the sheets looking bright and smelling fresh.
- Silk Duvets
Use cold water to clean your silk duvets. However, if you don’t want to clean the heavy duvets regularly, you can just vacuum them to remove the dirt.
- Silk Pillowcases
Silk pillowcases can be machine-washed; use cold water and dry them on a cool setting. You should also air out your pillows to freshen them up.